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Modern Architecture

Most Worshipful Scottish Rite

Grand Lodge Of Arkansas

Ancient Free & Accepted Masons Inc

The primary purpose of this Grand Lodge is to, "...develop and promote fraternal sociability and friendship among its members and its subordinate lodges. We help to make "better men and women out of good men and women", better fathers/mothers, better husbands/wifes, better brothers/sisters and better sons/daughters. We try to place emphasis on the individual man and woman by strengthening his/her character, improving his/her moral and spiritual outlook and broadening his/her mental horizons.  Join Today!

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The Mission of the Most Worshipful Scottish Rite Grand Lodge Of Arkansas Ancient Free & Accepted Masons Inc is to manage, serve, and promote the overall goals of the Grand Master and Grand Lodge at all levels; to assist leaders and members in their various forms of involvement with the organization; to adhere to all the Laws of the MWSRGL and our Grand Master; and to encourage and facilitate the involvement of all members wherever dispersed, in ideas of Masonic activities. Moreover, our mission is to teach members to understand the concept of our organization at the highest level, and strive to be lifetime learners in the lodge, district and community; to develop spiritually and become men and women of Character and Godliness; to be outstanding citizens in the same; to grow inwardly and outwardly through Character development and leadership training and to develop a family environment within our structure and the community.​



The Vision of the Most Worshipful Scottish Rite Grand Lodge Of Arkansas Ancient Free & Accepted Masons Inc

is to prepare every member under the Masonry to become a responsible, participating member and leader, who is guided by the Rules and Laws of the Most Worshipful Scottish Rite Grand Lodge Of Arkansas Ancient Free & Accepted Masons Inc.Challenging everyone to their full potential of Masonry — In Education, full participation in community — to drive a new era of development, growth, and productivity among members. We strive to make Arkansas Masonry the most prestigious Body for our membership and the community.


The Goal of the Most Worshipful Scottish Rite Grand Lodge Of Arkansas  Ancient Free & Accepted Masons Inc; Is to provide excellent, timely, and effective service to our membership.​

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